Queensland University of Technology
Services Provided:
Traditional Design + Documentation (Renovation of Existing Building)
Roger D'Souza
Queensland University of Technology
Services Provided:
Traditional Design + Documentation (Renovation of Existing Building)
Roger D'Souza
JCA were appointed by QUT in 2016 to assist in the physical transition of QUT Learning Services from a scattered array of counters and online interfaces to a centralised and highly interactive support space located at the heart of Gardens Point and the Kelvin Grove Campus. Prioritising student access and amenity, the flexible concept has been created to host an evolving multi-tiered support service while still encouraging student occupation and use. This student owned space remains a point of difference to traditional service models that conceptually and physically isolate the staff and customer.
The design is a response to student consultation clearly identifying friends and peers as a trusted and often first accessed information source and the deep commitment by the University to provide spaces that welcome and sustain ongoing occupation of the campus. Through the integration of large-scale technology installations the design enables users to engage with their peers, the support services available online and the dynamic support team freely moving in the space. Informally referred to as 'the Learning Party’ space by one post grad student, the HiQ has already developed its own identity on campus as a place where knowledge is to be gained, shared and maximised.